I bet you’re wondering: What is eBike Chick about?
Greetings! Yes, there is a chick behind eBike Chick. I’m Kathy J, and you can learn everything you’ve ever wanted to know about me in the “About” section. But if you’re here for the...
Greetings! Yes, there is a chick behind eBike Chick. I’m Kathy J, and you can learn everything you’ve ever wanted to know about me in the “About” section. But if you’re here for the...
Your Guide
Kathy loves educating people about ebikes, especially when they approach her when she’s out on a ride. You can usually find her around town on her Bulls Lacuba EVO E45 or in the hills on her Bulls E-Stream EVO AM 4. On Twitter she tweets about ebikes, Taylor Swift, and Wordle, and you can contact her here.